My Impact


Feel good and make a difference with your purchase from ROCKIN YOUR STYLE. 5% from the sale price of any product across the entire site goes towards supporting great causes. You can choose which cause to support when adding your item to your cart right from the product page at no cost to you. You also have the option to help make an even bigger impact by using Virtue's Customer Donation Widget at checkout to add to our donation and help us make an even bigger Impact. Just look for the Virtue widget on the product page and make a selection.


Want to make an even bigger impact? Just add a donation using the Virtue Customer Donation Widget at checkout. With the Virtue donation widget, you can choose the cause and a pre-selected amount or add a custom amount.




The Causes I Support

Dogs Trust


The first cause on my list is Dogs Trust. If you choose Dogs Trust you choose to provide Dogs with food, shelter, rehabilitation, medical care, spay and neutering and you are helping dogs find a loving forever home. Dogs Trust helps Dogs in the UK, Ireland, and the UNITED STATES.

In 2023 Dogs trust cared for 13,374 dogs through their 22 centers across UK and Ireland. 10,588 dogs were rehomed, including 400 underdogs who had been with the shelter more than six months. They fostered 3,650 through their Home from Home and Freedom programs. Taught 481,209 children about dog safety through workshops and much more.


Guide Dogs for the Blind



The next Cause on the list is Guide Dogs for the blind. At Guide dogs for the blind they have three client programs. The Guide Dog program matches people with highly trained guide dogs. All services provided to the clients are free of charge including the guide dog, transportation to and from the campus, instruction, equipment and more. Campuses are in California and Oregan. The Orientation & Mobility Immersion program teaches people orientation and mobility skills for safe, independent travel, and the skills needed for guide dog mobility. And finally, the K9 Buddy Program matches people with specially selected dogs to be their pets and companions. K9 Buddy dogs are not suited to be mobility assistance dogs but make great companions.


Global Tree Planting Projects


The final cause on my list is Virtue's Global Tree Planting Projects. Virtue has partnered with tree planting initiatives that work with local communities to restore landscapes on a massive scale, thereby creating jobs, protecting ecosystems, and helping mitigate climate change. Virtue's partners work with teams that work in some of the most remote locations in the world to facilitate restoration and development through nature-based solutions to Climate Change. They start their reforestation projects by connecting with local communities and building relationships with local leaders who want their environment to thrive. Those communities then guide them to planting opportunities. They provide economic incentives and simple planting techniques to support local communities in restoring their environment and economy.